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Locked out? Need new locks installed? Just moved into a new office? M18 Manchester Locksmith has the answers. We take pride in providing an exceptional service to private and commercial properties. No job is too big or small and all work is guaranteed by professional and local Mancs.
24 hour locksmiths are on call for all emergency services. Whether your key has just snapped in the lock or your safe won't budge, we can be called at any time of day or night. We can usually offer a non destructive entry access, getting your lock open without leaving any sign at all! Car lock outs, home and office lock outs and jammed door locks are our main business and experience has made us the leading emergency locksmiths in Manchester.
Unfortunately, most people get locked out the car far from the home, on the way back from shopping or when running an errand and in a hurry. Fortunately if you are locked out in Manchester, we can help. Our Manchester auto locksmith service offers roadside assistance meaning we will come to wherever you are stuck. This can save you a lot of time, headache and the expense of getting your car towed! If your key is stuck in the ignition we can help with this too. Be sure to specify the car brand and model when calling as the car key transponder system may need to be reset and we are not dealing with all brands.
If you have just moved into a new office or have just built or bought a new warehouse, we highly recommend giving a commercial locksmith a call. Manchester is not the safest of places and while most people are aware that a new home should have new keys, people tend to forget that an office or other commercial property with previous owners needs new locks installed or at least re-keying done for security. You never know who had and still may have a copy of the keys. High-security locks are different to regular household locks and home security and it is imperative that the locksmith is a professional commercial locksmith.
Commercial locksmiths should also be able to advise and install or fix entry access systems and recommend various lighting solutions and alarm systems to maximise security.
M18 Locksmith Manchester provide commercial security in Central Manchester and the surrounding Greater Manchester areas and offers free estimates and no call out charges. For commercial, residential, auto and emergency services we are the locksmiths to call!